About Us

Krissy Oleson/Owner

Growing up in a small town, I grew up with a strong work ethic. I started working at the young age of 13, as a dishwasher at a local restaurant, and worked my way up in the restaurant industry, eventually managing for a multi-billion dollar restaurant chain by the time I was in my late 20s.

Having family in Milwaukee, and visiting often, my love and excitement of the city grew. I took the plunge and moved to the city that I had fallen in love with in 2016.

I started working at one of the most reputable, and fastest-growing law firms in the state. After working in law for five years, and during the worldwide pandemic, it was time for a change.

I am a total goofball to the core and have a passion for travel, and experiencing as many cultures as possible. I have traveled to places like: Costa Rica, Morocco, and Mexico.

Lets Work Togther

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